· Recently, I was the leader of a published paper dealing with my average pro stuff (DOI: 10.3390/humans3030016). At first glance its rationale deals with neuro-physiological human evolution abilities along at least 2,5 Ma (million of years). Herein I would try to relate the main paper´s concept christened as “technome” to a so-called war´s tecnome.
· First of all, I indebt my self to lay before the readers a certain general definition of technome: I assume that it is the analytical quantification of both material technical and immaterial technical networks defining every object and/or group of material/immaterial objects acting at a certain discrete given time and space.
· Therefore, this war seems to me a very interesting study object since it allows to observe both at zero time and space the immaterial and material reasons and consequences for a key ongoing war. I mean “key” as a crux event within our Western contemporary present.
· Whether the kind reader of this unpublicized blog (observarypensar.blogspot) has followed me or not, during the last 12 years, it appears that in general Israeli-palestine wars are full of super technical, both immaterial and material events:
· Actually, both rivals are related by a very long shared History, we could stress upon it saying that both are using on one hand Biblical memories, and on the other archaeological and very old memories to justify their “spatial argumentation”. That is: their own very reasons justifying their own standing position on the field. The popular core of the war is immaterial.
· The war between them did start after the strategical error of the Arabs not accepting the UN resolution giving a piece of land to the slaughtered central and eastern Jews after the IIWW. It is worth to say that this move can be observed, at present, as the last colonial move by the dying British Empire a hundred years ago to get remote control on the lands near the Suez Canal.
· The strategical error by the triumphant Jews after many local wars (1949-1973 wars) happly taking as a “greek present” the lands of Judea and Samaria plus the eastern side of Jerusalem as a factual result of their impressive military victories. Thus, they are being intoxicated by them selves.
· Nevertheless, what interest me the most, right now, it´s neither the biblical roots nor the hellenic lectures of the victories on the battle fields of this war, but its ongoing complex intertwined material and immaterial objects (remember that I´m an archaeologist-palaeontologist and a part-time poet) produced by the war. That is: what could be eventually proposed by remotes colleagues in the remote future just observing and thinking about Gaza´s material and immaterial remains after this very war “en course”?
· The first question would be: can an elephant behave as a mouse? Thus, can the Tsahal behave like a guerrilla movement, really? Why I dare to put this question being asked by a remote archaeologist in a remote future to define its war technome? Because today at the Jerusalem Post newspaper the generous analyst pointed out that it was a smart move by the Jew army to behave in a guerrilla way not entering “avec force” inside Gaza. Mon Dieu...quelle perte de qualité dans la pensée strategique!
· Néamoins l´armée juive s´est rendue compte que ce qui l´attendait à Gaza était un piège stratégique classique, mutatis mutandi, un mouvement sophistiqué equivalent à la bataille de Cannas . C´est à dire: attirer l´ennemi vers un gros piege. Pourtant tout en ayant surmonté dans l ´inmediat une tuérie de soldats du Tsahal l´argumentaire en appuie de la suite de coups innatandues par Hamas dans Gaza est également faible: cette guerre on la fait dans un temps infinie. That is the very point of victorious guerrilla´s war: to exhaust the adversary; since one side, Hamas, has no time boundaries to keep their local war, the Israelis do not benefit of this unbounded threshold: for this reason they are an elephant trying to mask and behave like a mouse in a crystal room. Moreover, the strong American help is finite, and it´s controlled by the same rules acting on the Ukrainian war: the sponsors need to be justified within their own national space. That planely means: put on the table clear and neat triumphs...and this is the core problem in a guerrilla war: there are not clear and neat results, even for an elephant trying to behave as a guerrilla warrior. The inertia of your elephant mass limit your degree of freedom to act as a different kind of object both in space and in time. It could be theoretically possible if you would not depend upon your strategical sponsor. Even when you are autonomous in the amount of guns, ammunition and international help, like USA in Vietnam and Russia in Afghanistan, there is a certain subjective threshold that acts in an independent way to the quantitative results on the battle field; for instance there are a lot of American, French, Spanish military men that still swear that they were wining their respective colonial wars but...politicians betrayed them.
· That´s the point in Gaza: when the Israelis will get upset sustaining a rotten Government? And in this way we come back to the initial point: sometimes the material and “objective” reality is flooded by subjective and symbolic matters. A strange thing that we start to observe all along the human evolution.
Igor nearby El Cid and doña Jimena tombs, in Burgos.